Saturday, August 20, 2011

In need of declutter...

I bought my favorite magazine Psychologies yesterday and was inspired by the article on how to declutter.  Now that Fall is approaching, it's time to put away summer clothes and I thought, maybe this is the perfect moment to sort through items I haven't worn in a while and donate! The magazine lists helpful 7-step decluttering process by Jon Ramsay, who suggests:

1. Do a little de-cluttering, and do it often
2. Buy only what you need
3. For clothing, the rule is: one in, one out (need to make a mental note on this one when shopping)
4. Decide what you need to buy in advance and try to stick to it. Impulse buys are often mistakes.
5. Realize you're not tied to possessions; they're only a very small and relatively unimportant part of you
6. Enjoy your new feeling of freedom. Unburdened by excess possessions
7. Live in the space you've created, and not the one the clutter created for you

What motivates you to declutter?


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